Tucker Carlson compares Russia invading Ukraine to migrants crossing the American southern border
Carlson: “These people were allowed into this country anyway 'cause equity. Let's change the population as fast as we can so we never lose an election”
From the February 23, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): So the contrast between official concern over the borders of Ukraine and official neglect of our own borders is pretty hard to miss. We return to it again and again. We think we solved the riddle here. When Ukraine is invaded it's a war crime. When the United States is invaded, it's equity. That may be why the Biden administration has admitted thousands of refugees into this country without vetting them. Just last week the Pentagon acknowledged that dozens of evacuees from Afghanistan had quote "potentially significant security concerns." So when the Pentagon calls something a potentially significant security concerns, you should be concerned.
But these people were allowed into this country anyway 'cause equity. Let's change the population as fast as we can so we never lose an election. Oh, you can't say that. Well, it's true. But back to the core point. How can people be this worried about Ukraine's borders and this careless with our own?