Tucker Carlson credits Media Matters for the removal of hateful and bigoted social media commentary that violates terms of service
Carlson: “They issue some report calling you a racist and then social media shut you down”
From the April 14, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Again, you can't overstate what a threat this is, not simply to the people occupying seats of political power, but to the whole nonprofit universe that exists and thrives and becomes rich supporting them through censorship and propaganda.
So a group like the ADL or Media Matters take money in order to censor people. They issue some report calling you a racist and then social media shut you down. Elon Musk is saying no, people should be able to speak freely. That would mean the end of their control over speech, groups like the ADL and Media Matters. So the media and these nonprofit groups have to stop this before it happens.