Tucker Carlson criticizes countries that limited access to guns following mass shootings
Tucker Carlson: “In those countries, ordinary people are defenseless and the government knows it”
From the June 1, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Unfortunately, as Tony Fauci recently explained to MSNBC, quote, "You'd never be able to implement measures like that here in the United States." And that's true, you'd hope. But why couldn't you? Why couldn't you do that here?
Well, Tony Fauci didn't say it out loud but, if you think about it for a minute, it's pretty obvious. What do all of those other countries have in common? China, New Zealand, Australia. Different populations, different languages, different forms of government, but all of them have disarmed their populations. In those countries, ordinary people are defenseless and the government knows it.