This Saturday, Comedy Central's Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will hold simultaneous rallies on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. While Stewart is striving to "restore sanity" to our national dialogue, Colbert seeks to "keep fear alive," playing his faux conservative television character to a tee.
The dueling themes remind me of a certain right-wing cable network.
Each day, Fox News “keeps fear alive” with a steady stream of false and misleading attacks on President Obama, progressive members of Congress, and policy initiatives like reforming health care, fixing the economy, and fighting climate change.
Fox hosts like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly play on the fears and prejudices of their audiences and help create a climate of uncertainty, paranoia, and hate. Network contributors like Sarah Palin, Karl Rove, and Newt Gingrich appear as political experts while trafficking in lies and misinformation.
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Fox News is not a news organization. Fox News is a right-wing political operation.
Enough is enough. It is time to Drop Fox.
As thousands of Americans arrive this weekend in our nation's capital for the Stewart and Colbert's rally, Media Matters is embarking on a major ground operation to bring our message to the assembled masses.
After the jump you'll find photos of Washington, DC Metro station advertisements that began greeting commuters and tourists last night during the evening rush hour. These same ads -- carrying the message that “Fox Keeps Fear Alive” and “Restore Sanity, Fight Fox” -- will be seen by thousands of rally goers as they stream onto the National Mall on Saturday morning.
Media Matters will also have several dozen street canvassers and volunteers on hand circulating Drop Fox petitions and passing out specially themed “Fox Keeps Fear Alive” and “Restore Sanity, Fight Fox” stickers, rally signs, and t-shirts.
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If you happen to be attending Jon Stewart's “Rally to Restore Sanity” or Stephen Colbert's “March to Keep Fear Alive” on Saturday (they are simultaneous at the same location), please keep an eye out for Media Matters street canvassers and volunteers in blue t-shirts with logos similar to the photos after the jump. They'd be happy to let you sign the Drop Fox petition and furnish you with a rally sign, lapel sticker and/or t-shirt.