From the September 28 edition of Fox News' Happening Now:
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JON SCOTT: Meantime, Charlie, a guy who does not have political experience, Dr. Ben Carson, his numbers in that latest Fox News poll are really rocketing upward.
CHARLIE HURT: Yeah and I think that the most interesting thing about the whole field on the Republican side is that the top three people right now, the three most interesting candidates, the three that are getting the most attention, the three that are doing the best in so many of the polls and have done so well in debates are the three people who have no political experience whatsoever -- Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, and of course Ben Carson. The problem with Ben Carson is I don't know whether he's able to convert that enormous popularity among people into people believing he would be a commander-in-chief. He's kind of soft spoken. He's not a larger than life character. But what is undeniable is that he's a great man, he has a great story. He's a great professional and people, he may be the finest man to have run for the presidency in many years.