Without evidence, Jesse Watters accuses CNN of “giving Biden the questions” before presidential debate
Watters: “If there's any time to play dirty, it's now”
From the June 25, 2024, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime
JESSE WATTERS (GUEST): Hillary says the key to winning the debate, go hard on abortion, democracy, Jan 6th, call him a convicted felon out for revenge, and, oh, yeah, Joe should mention something about how he's going to lower costs. Hillary is giving Biden the answers and CNN is probably giving Biden the questions. Remember it's the same network that leaked her questions the last time. How do you trust a network that's been calling Trump Hitler to play fair? You can't. And if there's any time to play dirty, it's now, because Biden's losing to Trump in every swing state, every one. And the media, like with all things, can't understand what's happening.