Fox's Geraldo Rivera: Lev Parnas is a “super snitch” and the Senate shouldn't hear any evidence about him
Rivera suggested that considering Parnas' evidence will lead to “an ongoing, never-ending grand jury ... where everybody is going to be Brett Kavanaugh all over again”
From the January 17, 2020, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
PETE HEGSETH: If you turn the channel to another network, they've become the Lev Parnas TV networks as he comes out, a former confidante of Rudy Giuliani, and makes accusations against the president.
GERALDO RIVERA (FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT-AT-LARGE): If I may put it in a little more colorful terms, about Lev Parnas: He is a creepy, sleazy, self-serving super snitch who is indicted and facing a huge federal rap on campaign finance violations. He will do and say anything he can and as I watched him puff himself up in the Rachel Maddow and then the Anderson Cooper interviews, I could see someone who is just squirming and trying now to do the best he can, to cramp the best deal he can possibly get.
But I go back to the Senate of the United States. If we start with the Lev Parnases of the world, where does this stop? Are we going to allow the Senate -- is the Senate trial now going to be an ongoing, never-ending, grand jury, or trial rather, court of the president where everybody is going to be Brett Kavanaugh all over again. Christine [Blasey-Ford] being brought in at the last minute, then another one who got drunk with Justice Kavanaugh when he was eight years old and another -- is that what this trial is now going to be of the president of the United States? I think that the Republicans have to stand strong.