Beck responds to MMFA's Will Bunch, defends making money off Beck U

From the July 6 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program:

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GLENN BECK: This is a senior fellow of Media Matters. He's saying about Beck University, starts tomorrow online. 'There is this quest, I think, for something to underlie this I want my country back sense. They want to find some sort of intellectual underpinning to this, some sort of historical underpinning, even if it means rewriting history.' Wait a minute, I don't think we need to-- we can read the Constitution. Show me, I'm sorry Will Bunch, show me exactly where our healthcare is in the Constitution. Show it to me. Where is it?

STU: Good and welfare clause

BECK: Oh I'm sorry, no, it's the good and plenty clause.

STU: Good and plenty clause. Good and fruity clause.

BECK: 'I think Beck is really tapping into that here, he is giving them what they want and they're giving him what he wants - cash.' I never have a problem stating to you, I'm a businessman. I'm not doing this for my health. Believe me, I'm not doing this- there's other things I could do that would be healthier than this.

STU: I've seen your health, this isn't working very well.

BECK: Yes, this isn't working very well. So, what am I doing this for? I'm doing this for two reasons. One, I believe in it, and two, because yes, it will make my company money, which in turn makes money for me. This is the problem with this country. We have, we have, we don't even understand the free market system anymore. That if you make a good product, people will buy it, and that is the incentive for making good products. Have you seen the Russian cars that used to be made in the Soviet Union? I'll put anything, anything, made by the former Soviet Union next to anything made here in America and I guarantee the free market system makes it better.


Media Matters' Bunch on “Beck U”: Beck turns “red meat,” “myth[s]” into “profit”