Today Beck laid out his latest world-spanning conspiracy theory and yet again insinuated that Holocaust survivor George Soros has adopted tactics originally used by the Third Reich. His evidence? Only that Soros is helping to fund the implementation of Agenda 21, a UN initiative to promote sustainable development - or, as Beck calls the program, “a hidden plan for world government that takes your property rights.” After telling his radio audience that “Soros has been funding it,” Beck laid out his concerns:
BECK: It is a great concern of mine that what Germany did was they took property rights. They so debased their currency they needed something to base their currency on when the world reset for them. And they based it on property. And they just seized - National Socialists always do it - they seized property.
So according to Beck, Soros is funding a plot to seize your property, which “National Socialists always do” too. Remember that Jewish groups have previously criticized Beck for falsely accusing Soros of being a Nazi collaborator.
Beck also claims that his take on Agenda 21 is not a conspiracy theory, even though he seems to have borrowed it from full-time conspiracy theorists. The official site of The John Birch Society lists Agenda 21 as one of its key “issues”, and Alex Jones' Info Wars website features a series of articles labeled “Agenda 21 Alert.”
But it's not like Glenn Beck has a habit of promulgating conspiracy theories about private property seizures.