Civil Rights Leader Glenn Beck Declares “An End To The Civil Rights Movement”

Just one year ago, Glenn Beck held his Restoring Honor rally at the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous “I have a dream” speech at the same memorial. While Beck said the timing was coincidental, he also stated that the timing of his event was “divine providence” and that his event would “reclaim the civil rights movement” from progressives who had distorted it.

But apparently, Beck has gotten bored with the mantle of civil rights leader because today, Beck said that he has declared “an end to the civil rights movement in the West.”


BECK: I want you to go to and print out the Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities. It is time that we don't declare out rights. Too many times in today's world do we hear “I have rights.” It is a threat now whereas it used to be a plea for help: “I have rights.” Now, it is threat: “I have rights.”

That's where we have gone wrong and that's where the human rights movement is. Human rights, there is a case to be made for real human rights, but they don't come from men, they don't come from governments, they come from God. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These things we find self-evident. Meaning, when you hear them you are like “Yeah, of course, I have a right to do that.” They're self-evident. Only government stands in the way of those rights. They either protect or they crush. To protect them -- to protect those rights, with those rights come certain responsibilities.

Yesterday, I declared an end to the civil rights movement in the West because we pretty much have it. We have it. I mean, we're not perfect. We still have some ways to go and some ground to gain here to make sure that everybody's rights are protected. Yes. For instance, we can probably talk a little bit about the rights of freedom of religion but let's not get bogged down in that. Let's instead concentrate on the rights and responsibilities. The things that we have to do if you want to continue to have your rights. I want you to go to and do that now.

Now that Beck has gotten bored of the civil rights issues he embraced in his last rally, Beck is proclaiming that he will create a "global movement," defend Israel, and stop another Holocaust.

How long before Beck gets bored of this set of issues too and moves on to his next cause?