Last week on his TV show, Glenn Beck assembled a panel including “pastors and preachers” to provide a “look at the news through their prism.” As Media Matters detailed, the panel was made up entirely of evangelical Christians, many of whom have long histories of extreme rhetoric and conservative or Republican activism.
Among those pastors was John Hagee, whose extreme comments led John McCain to publicly reject his endorsement during the 2008 presidential campaign. While introducing Hagee, Beck described him as the “author of the book 'Can America Survive?'” which he said is an “excellent” book that he “just started to read last night.”
So what is this “excellent” book about, and through what “prism” does Hagee view current events?
Well, the subtitle of the book is “10 Prophetic Signs That We Are The Terminal Generation,” and it's apparently about how we are fast-approaching Biblical End Times.
Here's the description from Simon & Schuster - note that the book “concludes with a spellbinding description of Armageddon”:
As an outspoken, conservative Christian leader, Pastor John Hagee heats up the debate about the intersection of American politics, Iran's evil intent, Israel's heritage, the Mayan Prophecy for 2012, and the end of the world. With chapter titles like “Iran's Nukes Are Ready Now!,” “The Day after the Bomb,” “The Criminalization of Christianity,” and “Calling All Czars,” Pastor Hagee courageously calls the American nation and citizens to task.
Carefully documented facts and powerful biblical teaching are the basis for the provocative claims and predictions outlined in this riveting book. A personal friend of Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu, Hagee shares a frightening conversation he had with Netanyahu regarding the coalition of Russia and Iran in their nuclear efforts. Then in graphic detail Hagee describes the coming war in the Middle East, with Russia leading a massive Islamic army against Israel. While respectful of President Obama's office, Hagee examines the administration's implementation of Czars and the coming of a global Czar whom the Bible calls the Antichrist.
Can America Survive? concludes with a spellbinding description of Armageddon--the Mother of All Battles--and the ultimate return of the Messiah, which will bring peace on earth and leave Jerusalem as the epicenter of planet earth.
Apparently Beck has been taking the message of the book to heart. He said during a discussion with Hagee about Iran and Israel that “a lot of the pieces” that suggest the Second Coming “are here now.”