Olbermann named Beck “Worst Person” for speculating that Kucinich's wife under influence of “date rape drug”

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On the June 5 edition of MSNBC's Countdown, host Keith Olbermann named Glenn Beck the “winner” of his nightly “Worst Person in the World” segment for “questioning what caused Elizabeth Harper to marry Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich [OH].” As Media Matters for America documented, on the June 4 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Beck said of Kucinich and his wife: “How did that happen?” Beck went on to speculate whether she was under the influence of “dope” or “some sort of ... date rape drug” and described the drug he had in mind as “not powerful enough to actually knock you out, but it's powerful enough to, like, make you think that you're not standing next to Dennis Kucinich and making out with him.” Beck further speculated that the drug might be “cyanide,” adding: “That would be the only thing that would really dull the senses enough. Even then, your dead body would be like, 'Dennis Kucinich has his tongue in my mouth.' ”

On Countdown, Olbermann quoted from Beck's June 4 comments and said: “Now that's wit, huh? It's as if Shakespeare were living in our times. Glenn Beck, today's Worst Person in the World.”

As Media Matters has noted (here, here, here, here, and here), Beck is a frequent finalist in Olbermann's “Worst Person” competition.

From the June 5 edition of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann:

OLBERMANN: That's next. First, time for Countdown's latest list of nominees for Worst Person in the World.

The bronze to Bill-O [Fox News host Bill O'Reilly], denouncing The New York Times for putting the JFK pipeline pipe dream terrorism scare Sunday on Page 37 instead of Page 1. He even showed the front page -- well, the top half of the front page anyway. “No, I'm not making this up. You see it. This is not The Colbert Report. This is the Factor, and this is the fact."

We know that. The Colbert Report is entertaining and occasionally factual. You see, the Times put a paragraph-long headline about the so-called JFK plot on its front page. And in the main story about it on Page 37, where, as you heard aviation expert Mike Boyd point out here last night, is probably where it belonged.

No wonder Bill-O only showed the top half. So, when he said, “No, I'm not making this up,” what he really meant was, “So, I am making this up.”

The runner-up tonight, Vice President Cheney. Speaking of making it up, he's still doing it. Addressing 100 Wyoming high school students over the weekend, he again lied about an Iraq-Al Qaeda link, again citing Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, ignoring last year's conclusions of the Senate Intelligence Committee and its then-chairman Pat Roberts [KS], the Republican, that Saddam Hussein wanted to and tried to capture Zarqawi.

Reduced to telling it to 100 high school kids? Before this is over, the vice president may start going door to door, asking if anybody wants to hear a story.

But our winner, Glenn Beck of CNN and ABC, questioning what caused Elizabeth Harper to marry Republican [sic] Congressman Dennis Kucinich nearly two years ago. Quoting Beck, “I'm wondering if it's some sort of -- some sort of, you know -- what's that date rape drug? ... What would be the drug that would be just powerful enough to make you not really realize that you're making out with Dennis Kucinich? ... I was thinking cyanide. That would be the only thing that would really dull the senses enough. Even then, your dead body would be like, 'Dennis Kucinich has his tongue in my mouth.' ”

Now that's wit, huh? It's as if Shakespeare were living in our times. Glenn Beck, today's Worst Person in the World.