So Who's Still Advertising On Beck? May 24 Edition

At least 300 advertisers have reportedly dropped their ads from Glenn Beck's Fox News program since he called President Obama a “racist” who has a “deep-seated hatred for white people.” Here are his May 24 sponsors, in the order they appeared:

  • Goldline International, Inc.
  • Lifestyle Lift
  • American Advisors Group
  • News Corp. (On the Record)
  • National Flood Insurance Program (
  • Escort (Passport iQ)
  • Tax Masters
  • Rosland Capital
  • PC Matic
  • Peachtree Settlement Funding
  • News Corp. (Hannity)
  • Empire Today
  • Merit Financial
  • Solutions From Science
  • Levemir FlexPen
  • News Corp. (Fox News Channel)
  • Lear Capital
  • Lifestyle Lift
  • News Corp. (The O'Reilly Factor)
  • ITM Trading
  • Kobalt Tools (Lowe's)
  • Americal Petroleum Institute
  • Rosland Capital
  • News Corp. (The Wall Street Journal)
  • Easy Water
  • Regus
  • American Petroleum Institute