Dave Rubin calls incoming White House Press Secretary Karin Jean-Pierre a “Black lesbo”
Rubin: “We know nothing about her other than the most important thing - she's a Black lesbo. And for that she's got the gig”
From the May 9, 2022, edition of The Rubin Report, streamed on YouTube
DAVE RUBIN (HOST): And that was Jen Psaki and she was introducing her replacement, who is going to be the chief liar. She says her partner in truth. Her job is to lie and she has done it more than anyone on the planet earth the last year and a half. And she will now be replaced by Karine Jean-Pierre.
We know nothing about her other than the most important thing - she's a Black lesbo. And for that she's got the gig. Very exciting. She's also married to a CNN anchor. Yes, you can't make this stuff up. She is married to Suzanne Malveaux, who is a CNN anchor. I did not know Suzanne is a lesbian, not that there's anything wrong with that. But you'd think that perhaps, in terms of optics, if you were bringing in a new White House press secretary, you could maybe, possibly, find someone who's not married to a CNN anchor. Do you think that would be possible? But the impossible is possible with these people.