Fox host calls Joe Biden “the angel of death” of coronavirus messaging
Greg Gutfeld: “There’s an obvious difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Donald Trump is the cheerleader”
From the January 26, 2021, edition of Fox News' The Five
GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): There's an obvious difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Donald Trump is the cheerleader. Right? Let's get this thing done, it's the primary reason why we got the vaccine so fast is because he said we're going to do it, and we can get it done, and this is how we are going to do it, we're all going to band together, isn't this gonna be great? You can criticize him being an optimist, and being -- the power of persuasion wasn't enough.
But then you look at Biden, and it's the angel of death, it's the exact opposite. And it makes you realize that Joe really did lie a lot during the campaign. I mean, he said a lot of -- he said a lot of big doozies, but he said if you voted for him he'd get the pandemic under control and now, you know, he's saying, well, there's nothing we can do to change the pandemic in the coming months, and, in fact, it's going to get a lot worse.
And it, you know what, just so you know, don't get mad at me because it's going to get really difficult, and there's going to be a lot of things that can go wrong, so just be patient.
So, basically what he's asking from America is the kind of understanding that he refused to give to Trump or his supporters.