Newsmax host blames US presidential term limits for Russia invading Ukraine
Greg Kelly: “George Washington set the precedent, two terms in office, but I think it's time that gets revisited”
From the February 24, 2022, edition of Newsmax' Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): So, that brings us back to today. Ukraine invaded by Russia right next door. This is a long time coming. And one of the reasons why we're here is because we go through presidents pretty quickly compared to the rest of the world, compared to Russia, certainly. Putin got there in the late 1990s. All these presidents have come and gone.
And when it comes to foreign ministers and our Secretary of State -- take a look. Lavrov has been there since 2004 -- 7 Secretaries of State have come and gone. Well, except for the last one. Look, I know, it's the Constitution here, by the way, two terms per president.
We only came up with that fairly recently, right after FDR. George Washington set the precedent, two terms in office, but I think it's time that gets revisited. What do you think? Let me know.