Newsmax's Greg Kelly defends Alex Jones: “This is America and you can say what you want”
Kelly: “Enormous sympathy to anyone who's lost anybody to violence, especially a school shooting. But you're allowed to say what you want to say, I believe”
From the August 4, 2022, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): You know about Alex Jones? Ok, I don't really watch his show or listen to his podcast all that much. But this is America and you can say what you want, right? Not really, no. A judgment against him for a lot of money. My goodness, gracious. Take a look at this. Alex Jones ordered to pay Sandy Hook parents more than $4 million dollars. Wow. I know he's a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but, you know, he's not the only one when it comes to certain conspiracy theories. There are a lot of people who believe that JFK was murdered by the CIA. You're allowed to think this kind of stuff. When it gets into Sandy Hook, I will not touch that with a ten-foot pole. I am really not familiar with his views. But at the same time, this is America and you're allowed to say anything.
And going into somebody's phone - what happened here? His lawyer turned over all of his text messages for two years by accident. Listen to this.
KELLY: Attorney-client privilege was violated, it seems to me, in the grossest possible way. Looking at somebody's text message from two years, that's like going into somebody's brain. So, how did his lawyer do that? Why? Crazy stuff. And I don't think the judge was particularly fair at all. Did you hear her?
KELLY: We'll see what happens on appeal. I don't think this is right. We'll see what happens. And enormous sympathy to anyone who's lost anybody to violence, especially a school shooting. But you're allowed to say what you want to say, I believe.