Newsmax's Greg Kelly: Donald Trump's “a madman. Yeah, he's a bit crazy, but we like it that way. A madman, and that is a good thing.”
From the October 19, 2023, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): Alright, he's a madman. Yeah, he's a bit crazy, but we like it that way. A madman, and that is a good thing. It actually -- once he's president again, as is my hope -- will keep us safer, just like it did when he was president. And just like it did when other people that our enemies thought were a little bit crazy, it helps us. There's actually a theory. It's called the madman theory, and it came up in the Nixon administration. When a country makes their leader look irrational and volatile so other world leaders would avoiding provoking the country, fearing an unpredictable response. And Richard Nixon, who was definitely a little bit different, is the guy who got this started.