Newsmax's Greg Kelly: “I do believe that the government has, essentially, authorized itself to do what should be the unthinkable against President Trump”
From the September 16, 2024, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): So you may have noticed something. You know, you could say, technically, these folks are not threatening the president of the United States, President Trump. They're complaining about what a threat he would pose. But that's where — they're too cute by half. They think they're getting away with it. They're not getting it by me. They are trying to justify — they're trying to authorize, I do believe, the assassination of President Trump. It's — can I show you something? This is Judge Luttig, very strange guy. He was a conservative. The Bushes loved him for a long time. Then he felt snubbed. He didn't get to the Supreme Court. Now he's just bitter and mean and wrong and all kinds of things. But listen to what he said during the January 6th hearings about President Trump and you and me. Listen carefully, please.
KELLY: Wow. So Donald Trump and his allies and supporters, that's us, we are a clear and present danger to American democracy. What does that mean, clear and present danger? It sounds, like, really serious, but if you look it up, it actually means that they can break the law and they can suspend portions of the Constitution to deal with the threat. This gets very, very creepy. I do believe that the government has, essentially, authorized itself to do what should be the unthinkable against President Trump.