Newsmax's Greg Kelly says Donald Trump's prosecutors deserve to be in jail
From the May 7, 2024, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): And you know, here's the thing, we all know that this case should be dismissed, but I don't think he can given that his daughter, you know, works in Democratic politics. If that happens, she will be marked for the rest of her life. Hey your dad was the one who could have stopped Trump and he didn't. I mean there is conceivably a great deal of pressure on him from the left. He should have recused himself. This is -- this never should have happened either.
JESSE BINNALL (GUEST): Yeah Greg, that is one hundred percent right. And this is exactly why we have recusal rules, why judges are supposed to not only avoid bias, but even the appearance of bias, and why you have -- if somebody's family is financially interested -- judge's families financially interested in a case, that judge can't sit on the case. This is not a new concept. This is a concept that goes back to the early days of -- I mean, beyond England and the commonwealth, goes back to the days of Rome. That you can't actually have judges that have this level of conflict sitting over a case. But he's throwing all this established law completely to the wind because of his hatred of Donald Trump and because he wants to do more than just donate money to Joe Biden, he wants to actually be able to play a major role in this election. Here's the crazy thing about this, Greg, is that the prosecution's weird theory of the case is that President Trump was trying to impact an election by doing something completely legal, a non-disclosure agreement. That is something that even if President Trump had done, had agreed to it, that's something that's completely legal. But because it was to impact an election that, somehow that made it illegal. Well, guess what? What this judge and what these prosecutors are doing is using public funds, using taxpayer dollars in order to influence a presidential election. So under their bizarre theory of the case, what they're doing right now is illegal and could land them themselves in jail perhaps one day because of that.
KELLY: Perhaps one day. Maybe that day is coming soon. They certainly deserve it, in my opinion. This is so wrong and rotten, but Winston Churchill said, when you're going through hell, don't stop. And I don't think you guys stopped and Donald Trump certainly didn't and it was tough there for a while, but I think we had a major breakthrough.