Newsmax's Greg Kelly says it would be “disloyal” for Mike Pence to run for president
Kelly: “He's not nimble enough, he's not decisive enough, he's too wooden, he's not imaginative. ... I think it would be incredibly disloyal to Donald Trump. And some of us do feel misled by Mike Pence.”
From the June 21, 2022, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): Alright, Vice President Mike Pence, he thinks he can be President of the United States. According to the reporting, he is taking a good hard look at running. He is opened to running in 2024 against Trump.
Now, I think that's a terrible idea. Number one, he's not nimble enough, he's not decisive enough, he's too wooden, he's not imaginative. He's – I just don't see it happening. And I think it would be incredibly disloyal to Donald Trump. And some of us do feel misled by Mike Pence.
KELLY: We'll hear the evidence, but we won't do anything about it. That's the problem. Now, under the Electoral Count Act of 1887, a lot of us thought that he had far more discretion -- not to overturn the election, and that's what he says. He puts it, I think falsely. We weren't actually looking for what he says we were looking for.