Newsmax's Greg Kelly: “Watergate was a CIA operation designed to take [Richard Nixon] out”

Kelly: “The government did it, obviously”

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From the March 19, 2025, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports 

GREG KELLY (HOST): All right. Who's that guy? Looks like an ordinary guy, right? Well, not an ordinary guy. He was career CIA, and his name is James McCord. And he was one of the Watergate burglars. Yeah, he was one of those guys who broke into the Watergate. Now, here's the thing about McCord - we know this from the new documents that were released yesterday, he got a certificate of commendation from the director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1966 that shows that he's in contact with the very highest people at the Central Intelligence Agency. And then a couple of years later, he turns around and breaks into the Watergate as the head of security for the Committee to Reelect. That's crazy. And to me, it shows that Nixon was right. It's not about the assassination, but it's about, well, the political assassination of him. Watergate was a CIA operation designed to take him out.


KELLY: Anybody who talks about shaping up — I mean, Schlesinger, Kennedy, him, Trump. The government did it, obviously. OK? Now we got to find out what the hell happened to Trump in July and in West Palm Beach. We need a commission. We need something. I'm not satisfied so far, are you? Sorry you went through that, Mr. President — President Nixon and President Trump.