Fox host Brian Kilmeade stokes calls for migrant children to be kicked out of public schools
Kilmeade: “People are going to look around and say, 'why are my tax dollars going to educating other countries' kids here illegally?'”
From the June 9, 2022, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): But they are losing the Hispanic vote by the day. As soon as Democrats realize the Hispanic community is going Republican, they'll suddenly realize hey, let's dust off that wall that Donald Trump built.
I have a prediction. The same people that stood up and said "what are you teaching my kids," in Virginia and around the world and started changing the school board election, are going to say "why is my classroom overcrowded with people that don't speak English," that are four years older than they should be in the 11th grade, and they're 21, and "why are teachers being pushed out of schools when they object to this new challenge that's put in front of them for no apparent reason." People are going to look around and say, "why are my tax dollars going to educating other countries' kids here illegally?" That's going to be an organic movement, not put out by some political strategists.