Alex Jones claims “massive election fraud” in Brazilian presidential election
Jones: “Massive election fraud taking place in Brazil. That's how they've kept control of Mexico and so many other places and now it's happening here”
From the October 3, 2022, edition of Infowars' The Alex Jones Show
ALEX JONES (HOST): In their desperateness to maintain control they're going into overdrive, using judicial tyranny, election fraud, economic warfare, cultural and spiritual warfare. It's insane. Real polls that are scientific, had Bolsonaro winning by 5 to 10 points. But now there's a runoff because the communist, who's already been president before, who ran brazil into the ground, won by about, what — 7 points, 8 points? And so now there's a runoff. And the polls had Bolsonaro 20 points behind. They put out those fake polls to make you think, well, no reason to go vote for him, he's gonna lose anyways. So massive election fraud taking place in Brazil. That's how they've kept control of Mexico and so many other places and now it's happening here.