Alex Jones: Ron DeSantis is “better than Trump”
Jones: “If you want to know about who's leading the fight against the new world order, it's Tucker Carlson and it's DeSantis. ... I've almost got [Joe] Rogan super hardcore, he's almost there.”
From the March 30, 2022, edition of Infowars' The Alex Jones Show
ALEX JONES (HOST): I've gone from liking DeSantis to loving DeSantis to my instincts have told me he's good, and now he's got my full backing. He's the real deal, he's better than Trump. I'm not trying to pick favorites here. I want Trump to get jealous and become more like DeSantis. We all need to be more like DeSantis. He's a gentleman, he's smart, he's a family man, he's a patriot, he's a veteran, he is our leader.
I mean if you want to know about who's leading the fight against the new world order, it's Tucker Carlson and it's DeSantis, who are classy men that are gentlemen that really care about everybody that I would say are the best examples of leadership in America. It's DeSantis and Tucker Carlson. I'm obviously the shock trooper that, you know, is the kraken you release, and I'm proud to be that, but I can tell you that my job has been to expose this and bring in the men and bring in the women -- I use kind of a John the Baptist analogy, God told me that, God is like, “You are going to launch the attack, you are going to prepare the ground, your people are going to prepare the ground, and then you watch, the leaders will rise." And we're seeing that. And all of us are rising, ladies and gentlemen, but I just give credit where it's due. It's people like DeSantis and people like Tucker Carlson.
I've almost got Rogan super hardcore, he's almost there. You know, he gets super hardcore and then he kind of goes back a little, but I've just got to spend more time with him. And I love Joe. We can hang anytime I want, I call him. "Yeah, let's go get dinner and hang out," sometimes we hang out like twice a week. I just, you know, it's just Joe is really such a sweetheart, but he doesn't want to be in the middle of the fight. Not because he's a coward, he's almost embarrassed to be that deep in the fight. And it's just like “me, a talk show host, a karate guy, UFC commentator?" Well, you know what, if you tell the truth, Joe, it makes you the leader.