Infowars’ Owen Shroyer: Democrats and mainstream media “deserve” mass violence if Trump is not allowed to continue as president
Shroyer: “I know I won’t have to be the one to get my hands dirty. I can sit right here in studio and just broadcast the whole thing.”
From the November 18, 2020, edition of Infowars’ The Alex Jones Show
OWEN SHROYER (GUEST HOST): If you’re in the high school lunchroom and there’s a guy going around stealing everybody’s lunch money, everybody’s like, “Where’s all my lunch money going? This is weird.” And then you’re like, “Hey, Steve over there has been going around stealing everybody’s lunch money.” And then Steve comes up to you and says, “Hey man, don’t say that. That’s hateful against me. That could lead to violence against me.” Well, hold on a second, Steve, you’re the one who stole all the lunch money. That’s who the globalists are, that’s who the Democrats are, that’s who the mainstream media is. They’ve stolen your country, they’ve stolen your integrity, they’ve stolen your freedom, they’ve stolen your reality, they’ve stolen everything. They’ve stolen your future, they’ve stolen your children’s future, they’ve stolen our education system. They have taken from us everything except the very breath from our mouths, and now they’re coming for that too with a stupid face mask.
And so you just point the finger and you say, “You’ve done this. You’ve committed these crimes. You’ve committed these atrocities. You’re trying to make us a slave. You’re lying to us. You’re dividing us. You’re gaslighting us. You’re instigating us. You’re doing it.” And they say, “Don’t say that. That could lead to violence against us.” Well, you know what? Maybe you deserve what’s coming. You ever thought about that? Oh, wait, they have, that’s why they’re so scared. Did you really think we would just take this on our backs?
Yeah, it’s a million marchers in D.C. peacefully now. Yeah, it’s going to be thousands of people peacefully in Atlanta this weekend. But let me tell you: If you steal this election from us and you put in a U.N. communist corrupt criminal Joe Biden in the White House, it’s not going to be a million peaceful marchers in D.C. No, no, no. No, it’s not. No, it’s not. And you know, quite frankly, that’s not a threat because I’m to the point where -- I mean we can lead marches all day long, but I know I won’t have to be the one to get my hands dirty. I can sit right here in studio and just broadcast the whole thing. It’s going to be 3 million veterans, it’s going to be 3 million fathers that have been fed up and at the end of their rope for a long, long time, who have been screwed over by this system and are done.