“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander brags that protest of FBI Mar-a-Lago search shows the “operation on January 6 worked”
"Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander brags that protest of FBI Mar-a-Lago search shows the "operation on January 6 worked"

From an August 11, 2022, online stream
ALI ALEXANDER (“STOP THE STEAL" ORGANIZER): I also think that right now we need to be shaming influencers who have podcasts. What are they doing to organize? Did Dan Bongino or Jesse Kelly or Charlie Kirk tell patriots to go outside of Mar-a-Lago and to demonstrate our love for the republic? No, that was an organic movement of patriots who felt the conviction to move and move. That we had no podcaster do it means that the operation on January 6 worked, that all of us who would have organized those things -- and it was successful without us, praise God -- but imagine how much more successful it would have been had, you know, the main organizers of anything organizing would have been online, the Laura Loomers, the Ali Alexanders, the Alex Joneses, the Roger Stones.