Fox host says Iraq War is proof America values life
Jesse Watters: “There’s one single terror attack and then we just go ballistic all across the Middle East as a reaction to that. Like, this country loves each and every life”
From the July 9, 2020, edition of Fox News' The Five
JESSE WATTERS (HOST): I don't think there's any other country in the entire world that puts such a high value on human life as we do in the United States of America. From the pro-life movement to like the fact that we shut down the greatest economy in the world just to save lives, to the fact that some guy goes hiking in some canyon and gets lost and we scramble like 13 helicopters to the tune of $350,000 to go rescue the guy. The hostages we bring back all over the world. Or like there's one single terror attack and then we just go ballistic all across the Middle East as a reaction to that. Like, this country loves each and every life and goes to great lengths to protect it.