Fox News host takes victory lap over report Rep. Matt Gaetz won’t face charges in sex-trafficking probe
Jesse Watters: “This is what the left always does. They’ll concoct a story, feed it to the press. The media runs with it.”
From the September 23, 2022, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime
JESSE WATTERS (HOST): Remember when Congressman Matt Gaetz was smeared by the media and the Democrats? They said he was a criminal? He was a sex trafficker? But as time went on, it became clear they didn't have anything on him. There was never any evidence, and now listen to this. The Washington Post is reporting that prosecutors have advised against charging Gaetz with anything. Why? Because they don't think two key witnesses are credible.
Okay, so what happened here? Is this some just giant smear job? It doesn't even matter if they don't charge now. I mean, the damage has been done. He's got to clean up his reputation. But this is what the left always does. They'll concoct a story, feed it to the press. The media runs with it. They'll dangle charges. And then it's just done. Oh well. They did it to Trump. They did it to Kavanaugh. They did it to Gaetz. So, who's next?