Jesse Watters launches ghoulish attack on dads who leave work early to spend time with their children on Halloween
Watters: “It’s still light out”
From the October 31, 2023, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime
JESSE WATTERS (HOST): Dads are leaving work at like four o’clock while it’s still light out to go trick-or-treating with their children. Now, if I was twenty years old, and I was trying to get started in the business and I would tell my office manager that I've got to leave work early for Halloween to trick-or-treat? I don't know if that would go over too well. Am I wrong?
MADISON ALWORTH (GUEST): I think you're wrong because I think, as you probably, know we answer to our boss, but we also answer to our wives and to our children. And I know my dad had to come on Halloween with me because we were elite trick-or-treaters. We had a lot of candy, I possibly could not carry all of it, where does that candy need to go?
WATTERS: What do you mean?
ALWORTH: Dad carries an extra pillowcase. You dump your candy in and you keep hitting houses. That is how do a good Halloween crawl and if you are calling out the dads that want their kids to get pillowcases full of candy, that's on you, Jesse. I don't know if you want to be on that side.