As the Kremlin uses Fox News and it’s hosts to advance Russian propaganda, Fox guest claims Biden has given Putin “perfect fodder for Russian TV”
From the March 25, 2022, edition of Fox News' Fox News Primetime
JESSE WATTERS (HOST): The Commander in Chief looks like a goofball, and Russia is reading into everything Biden's saying. Who handed Joe Biden a hot mic near a war zone anyway? Somebody hand this guy a note card so he doesn't get us into World War III. But what can we expect? This is the same guy who said, "Oh, maybe Russia could take just a little land from Ukraine," the man who gave us the MiG fiasco, the guy whose calls to foreign leaders just go straight to voicemail, the guy who gave the Chinese intel, which they gave the Russians? Not a good look for the USA today.
Jim Hanson served in the U.S. Army Special Forces. Alright Jim, do you think Putin looks at this and make the calculation?
JIM HANSON (GUEST): Biden handed Putin just perfect fodder for Russian TV. I mean, they're running bits right now saying, "America threatens us with chemical weapons, America's sending paratroopers into, you know, Ukraine to fight and kill Russian children." It's exactly what Putin needed. And the problem is that all along, the press played patty-cake with Biden, treating him with kid gloves. You know, "What kind of ice cream are you getting this afternoon, Joe? What's your favorite pudding after your nap? Butterscotch or chocolate?" And the problem is, now, that's our guy in an actual nuclear showdown.