Newsmax DNC Biden Harris

Newsmax personalities keep floating rumors about Kamala Harris: “It's like she got into the sherry”

In a desperate attempt to land an effective attack against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Newsmax is baselessly suggesting Harris has a “substance abuse problem.”

Since President Joe Biden exited the presidential race last month, Newsmax has fallen in line with the rest of right-wing media by engaging in sexist and racist attacks against Harris. When not busy accusing Harris and the presumptive nominee for vice president, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, of being “communists,” Newsmax hosts have claimed that Harris is a “DEI hire” and attacked her for her smile.

During the network’s broadcast of the first night of the Democratic National Convention, though, Newsmax repeatedly suggested, without basis, that Harris has a drug or alcohol problem.

Newsmax's bizarre attacks are quite reminiscent of accusations previously lobbed at former President Barack Obama. 

  • Greg Kelly

    Newsmax host Greg Kelly suggested that Harris “might have some sort of substance abuse problem.” Kelly made the same wild accusation three years ago too, claiming at the time, “I think she has a drug or alcohol problem. I think, I think. And I’m actually hearing some things.”

    Video file

    Citation From the August 19, 2024, Newsmax broadcast of the Democratic National Convention 

    GREG KELLY (HOST): Look, let me run this by you. You said they covered up for Joe Biden. They're covering up for Kamala Harris. I mean, look at all those people in there. They know — six weeks ago, it was common knowledge in America, it was common knowledge certainly in the Democrat Party, that this was an unstable woman, not worthy of the vice presidency, couldn't hold a staff together, was erratic in every which way. And quite frankly, some have speculated — and they're not irresponsible people, they want the best for her — that she might have some sort of substance abuse problem. It is not beyond comprehension by any means. Matt, it really — the country is, like, gone off a weird cliff. I can't believe that this illusion is taking hold with so many people.

    MATT SCHLAPP (GUEST): Look, this is what propaganda is, and it's their absolute best thing. They decided that Joe Biden was too old and his poll numbers were too weak, which was the real reason. And, as Pam said, they kicked him to the curb, and then they had to go with Kamala because they didn't want to have another race war in their party. And so now it's perfect. There's nothing negative about her. It's the most beautiful family. She's the most intelligent, well-spoken person. She gave the most, you know, magical speech a few minutes ago on the stage. This is what their propaganda is. But underneath it, you have to remember, you know, Mercy and I live in this swamp of a nation's capital. And Democrats, a few years ago, all of them, in unison, said that she wasn't up to the job, that they would never pick her if something happened to Biden, that she's just there as kind of a placeholder.


    SCHLAPP: And so everyone knows how fragile this is. Now, I understand she's had a good couple of weeks here, but eventually she's going to have to just to start to speak and answer questions. And we're going to see more of her. And by the way, running for president is the toughest thing you'll ever do emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And she could crack very easily under that pressure. A lot of people do. And I know Donald Trump is not going to crack under that pressure. So, I say game on. 

    (Kelly also criticized Harris for smiling, saying, “It’s not presidential.”)

  • Matt Schlapp

    Matt Schlapp, who chairs the group that organizes the Conservative Political Action Conference, said Harris is like “a crazy aunt” and “it’s like she got into the sherry or something.”

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    Citation From the August 19, 2024, Newsmax broadcast of the Democratic National Convention 

    GREG KELLY (HOST): Matt, you're watching everything. What are you thinking? And Pam, you totally nailed it. You're right. They're bitter, and Obama basically told each of these people to get out at one point or another. Matt, what are you thinking tonight?

    MATT SCHLAPP (GUEST): You know, it's a little bit strange to me because Kamala Harris came out on the stage, and of course, she's going to be the nominee here, so she's the big story. And I just think she's like a walking Hallmark card of like, these strange statements. It's like listening to, like, a crazy aunt. And all the laughing. It's like she got into the sherry or something. I don't know what happened to her, but like, lady, we're trying to look at whether or not you're going to be the president of the United States, staring down Vladimir Putin, staring down, you know, Xi and our enemies and could you just look a little bit like you're ready for this? It's strange to me. And I think that's — and then you juxtapose that with Hillary Clinton. She's the most joyless person, I think, who has ever walked on this Earth. That speech of just like her — kind of like Stalinist, negative, half-screaming to the crowd like, ‘This should have been mine,' was kind of the subtext. 

  • Rob Schmitt

    While commenting on a speech she made a few days ago, host Rob Schmitt said Harris sounded “like a drunk girl in a bar bathroom.”

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    Citation Froom the August 19, 2024, edition of Newsmax's Rob Schmitt Tonight

    ROB SCHMITT (HOST): Welcome to Rob Schmitt Tonight. A live look at the city of Chicago right now. The perfect spot for the Democrat National Convention. On a beautiful Monday evening, the most crooked city in the United States, a Democrat stronghold for 100 years, a city collapsing under the weight of leftism as residents fleeing. Briefly, though cleaned up for the big Democrat Party. Maybe a bigger draw than seeing Kamala Harris speak tonight was this van — free abortions — at this year's Democrat National Convention, thanks to Planned Parenthood, performed evidently in a taco truck sitting right outside of the arena. Nice. The gimmick of a totally warped, godless, and twisted political party, and the most radically left-wing presidential ticket in our history will be officially nominated this week. The theme for tonight's program is ‘For the People.' Ironically, democracy will be a major part of this convention, which will then nominate a candidate that nobody voted for in this wonderful democracy that they so want to protect. And to show you why nobody's ever wanted to vote for Kamala Harris, here she was over the weekend talking about democracy and sounding more like a drunk girl in a bar bathroom giving an inspirational speech.