Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts says his group will release a “Project 2028” if Kamala Harris wins

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts was a special guest at the “Reboot: The New Reality” conference in San Francisco, hosted by Project 2025 partner the Foundation for American Innovation. Roberts’ conservative think tank was also a top sponsor of the tech conference. 

Roberts sat for a conversation with podcaster Dwarkesh Patel titled “Tech and the American Republic.” From to the San Francisco Chronicle, (emphasis added):

With even Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump distancing himself from the Project 2025 manifesto, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts doubled down on the controversial blueprint for a Republican presidency on Thursday, saying that if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the election, “we’re going to have a press conference outside the White House announcing Project 2028.”

Roberts, appearing at the “Reboot: The New Reality” conference in San Francisco, said his only regret about Project 2025 was that his group did not fight back harder against its critics. The 922-page conservative roadmap advocates for policies such as mass deportation of immigrants, more restrictive abortion laws, and wholesale firing of civil servants.

Trump has said he disavows Project 2025, although dozens of members of his previous administration helped author it. 

Project 2025 is an extreme right-wing initiative organized by The Heritage Foundation to provide policy and personnel to the next Republican presidential administration. The effort involves more than 100 partner organizations, a database of potential MAGA staffers, a secret 180-day transition plan, and its policy book — Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise — represents a major threat to democracy.

For Media Matters’ comprehensive research on Project 2025, click here.