Dinesh D'Souza tells Laura Ingraham: Black people do not experience racism but are upset “something really horrible happened in 1619”

D'Souza: “Did anybody call you the n-word, did anybody kick you down the street, did anybody deny you a job -- no, no, no, no, no”

Dinesh D'Souza tells Laura Ingraham: Black people do not experience racism but are upset “something really horrible happened in 1619”

Dinesh D'Souza tells Laura Ingraham: Black people do not experience racism but are upset “something really horrible happened in 1619”


From the August 21 edition of Podcast One's The Laura Ingraham Podcast

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Of course they'll say look at El Paso, look at these mass shootings, look at these online postings, Dinesh. And if you -- in any way you try to downplay any risk of mainstreaming of white supremacy and the freaks that are in their basements tweeting or posting about it, then you're yourself a racist. That's how the argument always goes. 


DINESH D'SOUZA: We live in a society where people bend over backwards to accommodate Blacks. They do their best, if you will, to show sensitivity. If anything, we've sort of gone to the other extreme in many cases. You make an accusation against a white guy, he's on the defensive. You make an accusation against a Black guy, it backfires. So this is the actual society we live in.

And so their narrative is contradicted by everyday experience. Even if you stop an African-American or a minority and say listen, what's the most racist thing that's happened to you in the last year, not the last day, but the last year -- did anybody call you the N-word, did anybody kick you down the street, did anybody deny you a job -- no, no, no, no, no, well you know something really horrible happened in 1619.

This is the Democrats' argument. So politically, I'm really not sure it carries the weight that they think. But it's a horrible kind of drumbeat of propaganda, they dominate the airwaves. So it's a nasty thing that they're doing but it still may not work.