Fox's Laura Ingraham: NY Times “hates the idea of an independent United States of America”

Ingraham: The New York Times, “more than being afraid of Russia, or China, or ISIS, or any other type of Islamic terrorism, criminality, they're afraid of traditional Americans”

From the September 20 edition of Courtside Entertainment Group's The Laura Ingraham Show:

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): I was reading The New York Times account [of President Trump's speech to the United Nations] to torture myself. Sorry, it was in my bag. Reading The New York Times account and it is -- it's a wonder this newspaper is still in business at all. It is so removed from the way -- I'm going to say normal, normal people think about things.


Well see they hate sovereignty. The New York Times hates the idea of an independent United States of America. Why? They don't like things like Second Amendment. That's one of the things that we have. They don't like the Second Amendment. They don't like this idea of an America held up as a beacon. We are special. We believe we're special. We believe America is built on this idea of individual liberty and freedom. Freedom from big government intrusion, big brother. We don't like that. We don't want to part of the big global order that tells us whether we can keep our thermostats at 72 or carry a 9 millimeter if we want to, if we're a -- if our localities say that we're all licensed and all that. We believe we should be able to do that. But The New York Times doesn't like any of that. They have a few -- they have a few freedoms that they like. Freedom of the press. But other than that, a lot of the -- religious freedom? That has its limits. Freedom of the press has -- freedom of speech has its limits too for The New York Times. If you are someone who believes in a traditional order, your freedom of speech is a threat to someone else. So just standing for America is threatening. That threatens them because I think more than ISIS or -- more than -- I'd say China, Russia, any of that -- more than that. They're not really afraid of Russia, they're just using Russia to bash Trump. But more than being afraid of Russia, or China, or ISIS, or any other type of Islamic terrorism, criminality, they're afraid of traditional Americans. They're afraid of you. They feel like you're a threat and so since you voted for Trump, by extension he's a threat, since he stands for America, America First, that whole presentation is very threatening to the global order as worshiped by The New York Times.


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