LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Imagine if that's just what we started to do. What do you think the Democrats would do? Well, let's — let's — let's expand it out to social issues. Oh, well, we have a lot of people who believe that their First Amendment rights have been violated in protesting near abortion clinics, prayerful protests. You know something? I know the Supreme Court has said this, that, or the other thing. And I know some of these, localities and states, they have some view about how close you can get to the front of an abortion clinic.
But you know something? We're I'm actually, as president, as the king — as the new king, I am going to establish my own boundary, my own limitation because I think it's unfair for these people who've had their First Amendment rights trampled upon to be kept out of a particular zone of privacy. So I'm gonna give a reprieve to them for any prosecution. No federal prosecution. No federal penalties. No federal anything.
We can keep doing this. I can keep going down a list, and you could do it with Obamacare. As king, the new king, new Republican king, I'm gonna say any individual that chooses not to buy health insurance, guess what? You're not gonna be subject to that IRS penalty. You're not gonna be subject to extra withholding. You are not gonna be penalized in any way because the system is broken.
Congress hasn't done what I demand that it do, which is to repeal Obamacare. So I, as the chief executive, am going to prod Congress along. And when you do what you're supposed to do, Congress, then my executive order, I'm gonna rip it up. Obamacare, First Amendment issues, environmental issues, taxation issues. Where does this environmental issues, taxation issues. Where does this end? Does it ever end? At what point do we roll back this homegrown tyranny?
I wrote a piece on the website, how the GOP must resist this homegrown tyranny. Must. Not — not might, not maybe, must. And this means every element of resistance must be employed. I know everyone is going to jump to impeach, impeach, impeach.
I mean, you could impeach the president in the House of Representatives, you're not gonna be convicted in the Senate. Not gonna happen. Okay? So you could impeach the — I — I'm — I'm — I've not not been in favor of that. I don't think I think he's that would be his his saving grace.
You impeach Obama, that's the biggest gift you can give Obama. That is he he's begging you to impeach him. I mean, at this point, that would be the only thing I could see that would rescue Obama is an impeachment proceeding.