The beginning of President Donald Trump's second term have featured an aggressive and legally dubious expansion of executive power. A piece by the New York Times editorial board warning of a potential constitutional crisis said, “President Trump is trying to expand his authority beyond the bounds of the law while reducing the ability of the other branches to check his excesses.” While Fox News personalities have been celebrating Trump's authoritarian impulses, they previously characterized executive actions during the terms of former Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden as “fascistic" and “dictatorial."
Laura Ingraham’s words were particularly acute, warning of the “homegrown tyranny” of a “king.”
In a 2014 blog post that Media Matters unearthed from an archive of Ingraham’s website, and which appears not to have been previously reported, she implored Congress to use “traditional instruments of Congressional authority.” Echoing current criticisms of Trump's unconstitutional barrage, Ingraham wrote: “Stop yielding more and more power to a man who evidently feels that there are no legal constraints on his authority to rewrite our laws and our Constitution.” She also wrote that, “The issue now is whether Congressional Republicans will knuckle under to the President, or whether they will act to protect our freedoms, our sovereignty, and our system of government.”