Editor's note (6/2/20, 12:45 p.m.): A representative from the University of Alabama reached out to explain that Ingraham identified the wrong school in her rant about Sarah Parcak. Professor Parcak actually works for the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Laura Ingraham: “These wanton acts of violence are part of a coordinated effort to eventually overthrow the United States government”
From the June 1, 2020, edition of Fox News' The Ingraham Angle:
LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): The aim of these criminal enterprises, including antifa, but not limited to antifa, is to undermine confidence in our institutions of government at all levels, local, state, and federal. These wanton acts of violence are part of a coordinated effort to eventually overthrow the United States government. It's well-funded and it's well organized on social media.
The genesis of this seething hatred began decades ago at our universities, and it spread like a contagion into all levels of learning. Radical professors attacking the ideals of western civilization, and it's only gotten worse. Yesterday -- check this out, one professor at the University of Alabama provided a tutorial on Twitter about how to pull down national monuments. And guess what? The tweet by professor Sarah Parcak is still up on Twitter, and Jack Dorsey claims Trump's tweets are encouraging violence? This woman is a professor and she's getting paid with the tax dollars that the University of Alabama [at Birmingham] gets. And by the way, universities are teeming with America-hating indoctrinators like her. And not only will she not get fired for that, she'll probably get an award at the next faculty meeting. The finest colleges in the nation are producing America-hating agents provocateur.
Hateful, anti-American poison is also spewed in some of our churches as well. Who can forget Obama's pal, Reverend Jeremiah Wright's "U.S. Of KKK" rant?