Laura Ingraham: Trump's Claim That Mexico Is “Sending Rapists” Is True

From the April 29 edition of Courtside Entertainment Group's The Laura Ingraham Show:

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LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Remember, well it's not just -- it's still happening. The caterwauling we're hearing from the left and from some on the right about Trump's description of the people that Mexico is allowing to cross the border. And, it was obviously misconstrued by many, but this was the part that really got people.


DONALD TRUMP: They're bringing drugs. They're being crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting.


INGRAHAM: Yeah, what we're getting. And by the way, the border patrol union -- 15,000, 16,000 people in the union -- endorsed Trump. They're at the border. They actually understand what's happening at the border. So, who's right? Jeb “as an act of love” or Trump? Well we found out from this testimony yesterday on Capitol Hill that, in fact, ICE has released 19,723 criminal aliens, 208 convicted of murder and along Trump's lines, 900 of sex crimes. They're sending rapists. Some are rapists. True. True. Again, you see how the truth just gets lost by the bias -- in the bias -- in the fog of bias. Truth, just out the window.


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