GOP Senate nominee Bernie Moreno raised funds on Laura Loomer’s show and met with her in D.C.

In late July, Ohio U.S. Senate nominee Bernie Moreno fundraised on the show of Laura Loomer, a far-right extremist who has celebrated the deaths of migrants and mocked Vice President Kamala Harris’ Indian American heritage. Loomer also said on her show that she met with Moreno that month when he was in Washington, D.C.

Moreno’s appearance with Loomer is yet another example showing Republicans’ deep entrenchment with the far-right conspiracy theorist, despite recent efforts to distance the party from her. 

Loomer’s history of offensive remarks is long and awful. It includes a toast to “2,000 more” dead migrants; an admission that she’s “not going to care” when there’s anti-immigrant violence; racist insults following the death of “ghetto b----” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); and the claim that the White House “will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center” if Vice President Kamala Harris wins. 

Loomer has also described herself as “pro-white nationalism” and a “proud islamophobe.” Last year she posted a video claiming that “9/11 was an inside job.” Loomer has also promoted the viral, racist lie that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating pets. 

Trump and his campaign are heavily connected to Loomer, with the far-right bigot flying on his plane to Pennsylvania and New York last week. Their close connections have caused consternation among a few Republicans. 

Trump running mate and Ohio Sen. JD Vance has also associated with Loomer, having appeared on her show in February. During that show, Loomer helped Vance fundraise, stating: “I really want people to donate and support you.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee, the campaign arm of Senate Republicans, has also repeatedly promoted Loomer’s work, including Loomer’s videos about Moreno’s Democratic opponent and Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Moreno, Vance’s potential future colleague in the Senate, has also used Loomer’s platform to fundraise. Moreno appeared on the July 25 edition of Loomer’s show, where the two attacked Brown.

Loomer also said during the interview that she met with Moreno, stating: “When I saw you in D.C. about a week or so ago, you showed me White House visitor logs” of Brown visiting. She said during her July 12 show (when Moreno was not a guest) that Brown “is now in a really heated race that's neck-to-neck with the Republican candidate for Senate in Ohio, Bernie Moreno, who we actually saw yesterday up on Capitol Hill.”

Moreno also directly appealed to Loomer’s audience, telling them: “What your listeners have got to do is you got to go out there and vote in a way that absolutely reflects the moment. We have to vote like our country depends on it because it does.” 

Toward the end of the interview, after prompting from Loomer, Moreno promoted his website and asked people to “throw in a few bucks. We need all the help we can get.” He also said: “If you're listening in Ohio, I need your vote. I need your friends’ vote. But if you're not in Ohio, if you could throw a few bucks to the campaign, that'd be amazing.” 

Loomer later said: “I hope that all of my supporters will go support Bernie. And he's a Trump-endorsed candidate and he's running against a full blown Marxist. … I know that you're going to be the man for the job to get this done, Bernie. So thanks so much and we wish you the best of luck.”

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Citation From the July 25, 2024, edition of Loomer Unleashed