Guest of Trump ally Laura Loomer: “Cancer is just an imbalance. Your body is out of balance. Something happened and the tumor is actually a blessing.”

The Associated Press reported on Charlene and Ty Bollinger in 2021:

The Bollingers are part of an ecosystem of for-profit companies, nonprofit groups, YouTube channels and other social media accounts that stoke fear and distrust of COVID-19 vaccines, resorting to what medical experts say is often misleading and false information.

An investigation by The Associated Press has found that the couple work closely with others prominent in the anti-vaccine movement — including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his Children’s Health Defense — to drive sales through affiliate marketing relationships.


Ty Bollinger began their business several years ago with books and DVDs such as “Cancer: Step Outside the Box” and “The Truth About Cancer,” which medical experts say included unproven information about alternatives to chemotherapy and cancer prevention. The company even sells a series that purports to show “the truth” about pet cancer.

Ty Bollinger describes himself as a “medical researcher” on bios posted on his website and in at least one book. He holds degrees in accounting and taxation from Baylor, but the AP could find no indication that he has any scientific or medical training, and he declined to answer questions about his credentials.

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Citation From the September 5, 2024, edition of Loomer Unleashed streamed on Rumble

LAURA LOOMER (HOST): It's just incredible to see how these natural oils and these natural remedies in our own environment, nature, can help heal you regardless of whether you have money for treatment or whether you're homeless. And so, I started looking into how I could purchase some of these remedies because I can imagine that a lot of this can also be preventative as well. What can you speak to, the information in these nine episodes regarding the natural remedies and the essential oils and the juicing and the eating? And I'm just reading off the screen here, the detoxing and the light therapy and the sound therapy. Do you recommend these things for people as a preventative for cancer as well or just people who are currently dealing with cancer?

CHARLENE BOLLINGER (GUEST): Yeah. Well, you know, the — we all need to actively be working at preventing cancer because if we don't, we're gonna get cancer. That's the bottom line here. We're gonna get some type of degenerative disease if we're not detoxifying our bodies. So the — it goes through every goes through everything that you need to know on why your doctor doesn't know these things.

Why does the doctor not understand that chemotherapy is actually killing people? Radiation is actually killing people. It's causing more aggressive cancers. These shots, right now, we've got aggressive turbo cancers. So the film will go through the history behind the medical cartel that's in place, and then we're gonna get into the different types of cancer. Episode 2, we get into breast cancer. You're talking about breast cancer. We're talking about the hormones and also skin cancer and the essential oils that you can use to treat yourself. Fasting, juice fasting, all of these things can reboot your body. And when you stop taking in the toxins, Laura, you stop feeding cancer.

You stop causing and feeding cancer. Cancer is just an imbalance. Your body is out of balance. Something happened and the tumor is actually a blessing. What the tumor does is it keeps the cancer stem cells, which if they spread everywhere aggressively, could kill you fast. But the tumor keeps them inside. So when a surgeon comes in and cuts the tumor, they're seeding the cancer. So they cut the tumor, the stem cells come out, and now you're in trouble because the cancer is all over your body. So, every surgery that is performed, they're, they're seeding cancer. They go in there, they cut it out, but there's always stem cells that are seeding into the body. It's not the tumor that the problem is, it's what caused that tumor.