Trump ally Laura Loomer: “I don't think it's a coincidence. I think it's really bizarre how every single time there's a major election, there's always a school shooting.”
From the September 4, 2024, edition of Loomer Unleashed streamed on Rumble
LAURA LOOMER (HOST): So, it's just further evidence that the FBI withholds information about shooters, and they let them get away with their shootings because they truly wanna help the Democrats push gun control in election years.
Don't you think it's weird how every single time there's an election in this country we always see a school shooting? I mean, why is that? Don't you think it's weird? I think it's really weird. I really do. I don't think it's a coincidence. I think it's really bizarre how every single time there's a major election there's always a school shooting, and then the Democrats like clockwork are talking about taking away our guns. I don't know. They're gonna say that I'm a, you know, a school shooting denier. No. I'm not denying that the school shooting was real. I'm saying it's real, but at the same time I'm pointing out the fact that there's a bit of pattern recognition going on here, and the fact is that, well, why is it that the FBI knows about school shooters? They knew about the Parkland shooter. They seem to know about a lot of shooters before these shootings take place, and they choose to not do anything.
Why do these shootings always take place in states where they're about to have important elections or primaries? We saw this happen during the Iowa Caucus earlier this year where there was a shooting the week of the Iowa Caucus. It's a little strange. It's a little strange.