Boyles guest Anderson on immigrant seeking sanctuary in church: “I'd drag this broad out of there by her hair”

During an appearance on 630 KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show, guest Terry Anderson said of an illegal immigrant who was trying to avoid deportation by seeking sanctuary in her church, "I'd drag this broad out of there by her hair."

During a discussion about Elvira Arellano -- an illegal immigrant who is trying to use a Chicago church as a sanctuary to avoid deportation -- on the November 15 broadcast of 630 KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show, frequent guest and 870 KRLA-AM talk show host Terry Anderson said, “I'd drag this broad out of there by her hair.” Earlier, in a reference to the November 7 U.S. election, Boyles appeared to make a racially charged joke by mocking Japanese accents, stating, "[A]s they said in Japan, you got 'erection' day."

As The New York Times reported on August 19, “Ms. Arellano, 31, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, defied an order to report to the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday to be deported and is instead seeking sanctuary in her church. Ms. Arellano is hoping Congress will act on a private relief bill that would allow her and her son, Saul, a United States citizen who has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, to stay in the country, where she says he can get better medical treatment.”

Addressing the Arellano case on Boyles's show, Anderson suggested authorities should “attack the owners of the church. Arrest them.” He also stated that "[i]f I was the head of this thing, if I was the ICE [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement] -- the ICE president, or whatever they call him, I'd drag this broad out of there by her hair":

ANDERSON: Why -- if you're going to attack this thing -- attack the owners of the church. Arrest them. See, me? If I was the head of this thing, if I was the ICE -- the ICE president, or whatever they call him, I'd drag this broad out of there by her hair. And I would put her on the six o'clock news, and I would say: Look, you don't come to our country and tell us what you're going to do. We're going to tell you what you're going to do. You're here illegally, you gotta go. Now, you got an American-born kid, he's recognized by the law at this point to be an American citizen -- guess what? You got 10 minutes, what do you want to do with it? Are you taking him, or are you leaving him? That's it.

BOYLES: Our guest is one of the true greats.

Additionally, after introducing Anderson earlier in the broadcast, Boyles made the following statement regarding the November 7 election: “You got, as they said in Japan, you got 'erection' day.”

From the November 15 broadcast of 630 KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show:

BOYLES: Terry Anderson. Good morning, sir.

ANDERSON. Pete. What do you hear? What do you say? I have been feeling unloved by you guys.

BOYLES: I know. We have been -- well, we had been wrapped up in this minister deal in Colorado Springs and the gay prostitute and all those kinds of things that were happening. So --

ANDERSON: You were busy.

BOYLES: -- and we took our eyes off of the ball, as they say.

ANDERSON: Oh, and then we had an election too. I forget about that.

BOYLES: You got, as they said in Japan, you got 'erection' day.

ANDERSON: There you go.


ANDERSON: Explain to me. Explain to me. Now, now let me tell you something. If you and I got a parking ticket, they're going to kick our front door down, and they're going to drag us out of in handcuffs, with every news agency out there to photograph us. Because we're in the media, and here's a guy that had a parking ticket, and we're going to put him in jail, and we want the world to know it. Now here's a broad that's in the media, now -- she's become a public figure, this Arellano. She's become a public figure. She has flaunted, flaunted the law by saying, “I'm going to hole up in this church and there's nothing you can do.” Explain to me why the people who own that church are not being tried and put in jail and tried for aiding and abetting an illegal alien in this country. It is a felony, Pete. It is a felony. We have no church sanctuary laws here. Victor Hugo wrote some in.

BOYLES: Yeah, we were talking about that. Yeah, we have an incoming governor --

ANDERSON: We don't have them here, they got them over there in France and other places. We don't have that here, and I haven't said that. Haven't said that. Why -- if you're going to attack this thing -- attack the owners of the church. Arrest them. See, me? If I was the head of this thing, if I was the ICE -- the ICE president, or whatever they call him, I'd drag this broad out of there by her hair. And I would put her on the six o'clock news, and I would say: Look, you don't come to our country and tell us what you're going to do. We're going to tell you what you're going to do. You're here illegally, you gotta go. Now, you got an American-born kid, he's recognized by the law at this point to be an American citizen -- guess what? You got 10 minutes, what do you want to do with it? Are you taking him, or are you leaving him? That's it.

BOYLES: Our guest is one of the true greats. Terry Anderson with us, radio talk show host in L.A. He's bringing up the story of this illegal immigrant's son, who has become a hero in Mexico as well as in the U.S. He's a second-grader. Kid's name is Saul Arellano. He's, he's an anchor baby. He pled in front yesterday of, in Mexico's chamber of deputies -- which is like the House -- for help in lobbying in Washington to stop his mother from being deported.