Douglas Urbanksi -- a self-described “Hollywood insider” (he produced the movie The Contender) -- was today's guest host for Rush Limbaugh. He opened the show with an attack on Hollywood, complaining that it was full of “hypocrites” who protested President Bush, but were supposedly silent in criticizing President Obama on his handling of the Gulf oil spill. Urbanski said that if the spill had occurred under Bush, people like George Clooney would be on the scene and on the beaches.
Moving on from the Tinseltown response, Urbanksi falsely claimed that Obama's response to the spill was delayed for “50 days and counting”, and that the President's response to the spill would be a speech in which he would speak “at” the country and not “to” it. Urbanski unfavorably compared Obama to New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, asking if Obama is the Nagin of the oil spill. Inexplicably, Urbanski said that it's not “settled” science that “oil is a fossil fuel.” However, most scientists seem to disagree.
Urbanski said it was “spooky” for Obama to compare the oil spill's effects to 9/11 (Obama actually said the oil spill is likely to shape future environmental and energy policy, similar to how U.S. foreign policy was shaped by the 9-11 attacks), and commented that the spill was more comparable to the hostage crisis during Jimmy Carter's term. In a similar vein, Urbanski said that people on the left “detest national security,” and added that he is actively trying to get the idea that Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam to take hold in the public consciousness. On domestic politics, Urbanski insisted that the media was incorrect to point out “rage” from the tea party movement, because he hadn't seen it. He also claimed that Michelle Obama is “obsessed” with the weight of children and believes in creating “cookie police.”
Highlights from today's show:
Limbaugh fill-in Urbanski: Not a “settled piece of science” that “oil is a fossil fuel”
Rush fill-in Urbanski plays right-wing Mad Libs, says oil spill is Obama's Iran hostage crisis
Rush fill-in Urbanski: “Those on the left detest national security”