“Gunny” Bob falsely claimed “Hispanics are the majority” in Denver County, then denied saying it

Discussing a new U.S. Census Bureau report on his August 9 show, “Gunny” Bob Newman of Newsradio 850 KOA falsely asserted that "[i]n Denver County ... Hispanics are the majority." In fact, according to the census figures, Hispanics comprised 34.82 percent of Denver County's population and residents classified as “white” made up 49.99 percent in 2006. When a caller challenged his claim, Newman replied, “I didn't say the Hispanics were a majority.”

Distorting figures in an August 9 report from the U.S. Census Bureau, Newsradio 850 KOA host “Gunny” Bob Newman falsely stated on his August 9 broadcast that "[i]n Denver County ... Hispanics are the majority" population. Later, when a caller challenged Newman's assertion about the Hispanic “majority,” Newman denied making the statement, saying, “I didn't say the Hispanics were a majority.” Despite his denial, Newman repeated the falsehood later in the show, stating, “In Denver County, whites, blacks, and Asians as a group are already the minority. The majority in Denver County are Hispanic.”

In fact, according to the Census Bureau figures based on calculations from 2006, while the total non-white population in Denver County was 50.01 percent, county residents the bureau classified as “white” comprised 49.99 percent of the population. Those counted as Hispanics, contrary to Newman's assertion, comprised only 34.82 percent of Denver County's population.

After noting, “By 2050, according to the census, whites in America will be a minority group,” Newman remarked, “The principle of Manifest Destiny, which said white Europeans were destined due to God's wishes to take over most of North America, appears to have had a hidden sunset clause." Newman laughed and continued, “Does this bother you at all? Did you read the fine print on that Manifest Destiny thing?”

As The Denver Post reported on August 9, “The U.S. Census Bureau announced Wednesday that Denver has crossed a cultural threshold: Sometime between 2005 and 2006, white non-Spanish/Latino/Hispanic residents became a minority.” The Post further reported:

Denver is the largest of eight counties nationwide to cross this line during that period, census officials said, based on population data collected over the past year that showed a continuing international influx.

In 2005, 49.8 percent of Denver's population (558,667) was deemed minority, or non-white. Now, 50.01 percent of the population of 566,974 is non-white.

And according to a chart based on census data published in the August 9 edition of the Rocky Mountain News (accessed through the newspaper's electronic edition), Hispanic residents are not “the majority” in Denver County:

From the August 9 broadcast of Newsradio 850 KOA's The Gunny Bob Show:

NEWMAN: If you look at history, as I do quite often, you quickly, quickly realize that when a country or a region or a continent experiences a major demographic shift along the lines of race or religion or socio-ethnic factors, where newcomers suddenly become, you know, they start arriving en masse it oftentimes does not bode well for the earlier inhabitants. Look at Spain, the United Kingdom, France, North America, Southern Africa, and so on. When newcomers -- or you may want to call them “invaders” when you look at history -- when they arrive in strength, disasters frequently result for those who were there first, or at least ahead of them. When Europeans arrived in North America and Southern Africa the indigenous people there were crushed in every way. In Spain, the U.K., France, Netherlands, Italy, and other European countries the Muslim influx that began a few decades ago and which has dramatically increased of late -- which many Europeans now call an invasion -- has resulted in extreme terrorist threats and grim economic problems.

The same can be said for the United States, but we can also add the staggering increase in Hispanic migration -- legal and illegal -- here, which has sent crime rates skyrocketing and is costing the U.S. monstrous sums of money. And now a census report says that one in 10 U.S. counties have switched from a white majority to a white minority. The report says this trend will increase as Hispanic families grow in size and white families shrink in size. Now, when you add this to our open borders, well, you get the picture. By 2050, according to the census, whites in America will be a minority group. Let me say that for you again. According to the census report, by 2050 whites in America will be the minority. This brings up many questions, and we will debate them all tonight on The Gunny Bob Show.


The principle of Manifest Destiny, which said white Europeans were destined due to God's wishes to take over most of North America, appears to have had a hidden sunset clause. [laughs] Does this bother you at all? Did you read the fine print on that Manifest Destiny thing? Remember learning about it in school? Sure you do. Usually around the sixth or the eighth grade you learned about Manifest Destiny. You know, how white Europeans sailed in their vessels across the Atlantic and they took two-thirds of the country away from the indigenous people and, you know, from coast to coast and it was, you know, God meant for this to be this way, hence Manifest Destiny. Well, what God had apparently written in and not too many people paid attention to down at the bottom of the page was a sunset clause. And you know what those are all about. You have a piece of legislation and it says this is going to happen until this date, and at this date everything stops. Well, bingo. 303-713-8585. All you white folks like me, we're going to be the minority and, and in many places in the country we are now the minority. In Denver County whites are the minority, along with blacks and Asians. Hispanics are the majority.


NEWMAN: [Caller], you're on the Gunny Bob Show on Newsradio 850 KOA. Hello, [caller].

CALLER: Good evening, Gunny.

NEWMAN: Good evening.

CALLER: Thank you for your service, number one.

NEWMAN: You got it, man.

CALLER: I, I think -- I, I disagree in your interpretation of the numbers that came out today 'cause, as I heard, the whites are now a minority as opposed only to the non-whites.

NEWMAN: Right.

CALLER: And, and for lack of 77 people. So in a city of 2 million we're 77 short of having more whites than non-whites. But the Hispanics are not a majority; they're still just another one of the minorities.

NEWMAN: I didn't, I didn't say the Hispanics were a majority.

CALLER: I think you did --

NEWMAN: No, I did not.

CALLER: -- when you first talked about it.

NEWMAN: I, I, I have never said -- I've never even mentioned a particular group being a, a majority over, over one particular group. But in -- by 2050, according to the census, the, the Hispanics, if, if things keep going the way they are demographically, will be the majority over the whites, Asians, and blacks combined.

CALLER: They got some, some growing to do.

NEWMAN: Well, yeah, but they're going to do it. That's, that's if everything stays the same.


NEWMAN: Some Americans -- and I have no idea, I have no means of calculating this -- but some Americans are going, “Oh, um, how we going to stop that?” Well, well, first of all, you're not going to stop that, and why would you be even asking a question like that? These -- if you read history, this is what happens a lot -- in a lot of cases: Spain, France, the U.K., North America, Southern Africa, these things happen. And the world still keeps turning. In Denver County whites, blacks, and Asians as a group are already the minority. The majority in Denver County are Hispanic.