Lame RW blogger trick: Hit pause to show a Dem “thug” “hovering”

It's funny that the same people who cheered last summer's right-wing, town hall mini-mobs, where yelling, screaming and general carrying on was celebrated as democracy in action, have suddenly transformed into meek wallflowers who are greatly offended by...well, that's hard to say.

At the phenomenally dishonest site Gateway Pundit, apparently local Illinois activists were greatly offended when they showed up with video cameras in tow at a summer recess town hall forum sponsored by a Democrat and found that there was a large man present who was apparently tasked with keeping some semblance of order. (Because, y'know, last summer similar events were marked by yelling, screaming, and general carrying on.)

OMG, thuggery!, the cons all cried and quickly posted a video in which they cast themselves as the hapless victims who had to share a room with... a large man. A “thug” who was brought in to “threaten” voters.


As the site St. Louis Activist Hub noted, the claim that the nameless large man was “hovering” menacingly over poor constituents during the forum was completely unsubstantiated. The only way the Gateway Pundit video could prove the “hovering” charge was to roll the clip of the town hall forum and then hit pause when man in question leaned in and spoke to one of the attendees.

See, when you stop the action, he's hovering!!