Several media outlets are asking the Pentagon to change the rules requiring strict regulations for coverage of Guantanamo Bay, The New York Times reports.
“A coalition of news organizations has demanded that the Pentagon's public affairs office rescind parts of its guidelines for reporting on Guantánamo,” the Times reports. “The 13-page 'Media Policy and Ground Rules' packet, which every reporter who travels to Guantánamo must sign, dictates how photos can be taken, who can be interviewed and even what reporters can write in their notebooks.”
The Times adds: “Top Defense Department officials have agreed to meet with lawyers representing The Miami Herald, The Associated Press, The New York Times and other news organizations next week. But the Pentagon has so far been reluctant to revise the rules that journalists covering Guantánamo have said are the most limiting, namely those that prohibit reporters from revealing information the Pentagon deems protected even if that information is learned from nongovernment sources.”