Oh, so that's why right-wing media are so awful

It's all explained by a conservative blogger at Hot Air [emphasis added]:

With the exception of Fox News (a big fish in the small pond of cable news viewership), the same general pattern can be found across right-leaning media, which lack the resources and institutions to produce original reporting.


The Rupert Murdoch subsidized New York Post and WSJ editorial page don't have enough “resources” to produce good, reliable reporting. And apparently neither does the Washington Times or the Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily, American Spectator, the Weekly Standard, National Review, the Washington Examiner, or the hundreds (thousands?) of AM, right-wing talk radio stations that broadcast each day. (And no, neither does Rush Limbaugh, despite his nearly $30 million annual paycheck.)

See, it's not that `wingers don't want to produce original, dependable journalism. (They really, really do!) It's just that they can't afford to.

Somehow, I remain unconvinced.