One Good Sign for Newspaper Readership

It is not necessarily a sign of increasing revenue or circulation, but a study out today finds that more people are reading each copy of a given newspaper on any day. reports on the survey from Scarborough Research and the Newspaper National Network, stating: “Specifically, the study found that over the past three years, the number of readers-per-copy has risen 7.5%, to 3.30 adults in 2009 from 3.07 adults in 2007.

”The finding is significant for several reasons. One obviously is that it shows that the average copy of a newspaper is getting more mileage as it is passed from one reader to another.

“Another reason why it's significant, is that readers-per-copy is an important advertising metric, showing advertisers and agencies how much bang they got for each copy of a newspaper they paid for - and it's on the rise, not the decline”

Good, but will it bring in more revenue? We will see. Perhaps if newspapers get more into charging for the Web, as some have. They all must.