Overkill: Nearly 30% of cable news last week was mosque-related

Yesterday, I noted that early indications were that voters and news consumers did not share the media's obsession with the simmering controversy surrounding the proposed downtown Islamic community center in New York. But that despite that lack of interest, the press was racing ahead with coverage, turning the right-wing media production into a news blockbuster.

Well, here's more proof of the absurd media overkill, courtesy of PEW [emphasis added]:

Nearly a third of the airtime studied on cable TV (29%) and one-quarter of that on radio (24%) was devoted to the topic. When straight-news programming from those sectors is removed, an analysis of cable and radio talk shows in the PEJ sample showed an even bigger fascination with the controversy: 45% of airtime, making it by far the biggest topic on those programs.

I'm sure the GOP appreciates the media's over-the-top coverage.